Free Consultation
ProTech will provide engineers, architects, general contractors, property managers and building owners with information concerning legislative requirements, industry standards and technical knowledge. In our commitment to provide the most effective system, we will make recommendations specific to the unique locations and requirements of our clients.
Fall Hazard Assessments
This is an onsite audit that identifies hazards that exist relating to working at heights. It identifies if acceptable controls exist such as:
- safe access to the work area
- instruction manuals for access equipment,
- roof or access layout/rigging plan,
- roof access equipment log,
- guardrails,
- tie back anchors,
- access ladders etc.
If additional controls are needed, recommendations are made on the basis of minimizing the risk of falls and are based on the local OHAS and CSA regulations. Recommendations could include the following:
- engineering,
- administration,
- fall protection,
- Personal protective equipment.
Develop Access Solutions
Once the initial consultation has been completed and all relevant information has been collected concerning the hazards that exist, ProTech will develop a written Access Solution that will detail what needs to be done to an existing system or what systems need to be implemented to eliminate the hazard(s).
Detailed CAD designs & layouts
ProTech employs in house design capabilities utilizing the latest CAD technology to effectively communicate design intent to its clients. Our layouts show the location of all permanently installed components and equipment. As a minimum, the layout includes, but is not limited to the following criteria:
- A plan view showing essential structural members, including anchors;
- Details of the equipment and its installation;
- The safe working loads of the equipment, rigging plan and any use restrictions on the equipment; and
- All relevant obstructions or structures that impede the safe use or operation of the equipment.
It is helpful if the client provides the following information:
- Roof plans (architectural, mechanical and structural)
- Building elevations
- Typical floor plan
- Building section drawings showing all parapet walls or roof edge conditions and mechanical room walls and similar details
- Any other drawings, specs and/or photographs pertinent to window cleaning/suspended maintenance, or fall protection.
Equipment Documentation
Documentation for permanently installed equipment contains the following information:
- A description and operating instructions
- Installation records
- Records of inspection and maintenance